amplifyme is a nonprofit organization that engages people in positive change through the use of media arts. We use pop culture to inspire people to think differently about their power to create change in their lives and the lives of others through civic engagement.

Media Showcase
Amplifyme is hosting a Media Showcase at Miami Edison Senior High Check out the Flyer
Connect With Me
Scherazade Daruvalla King's new documentary exploring our connection and disconnection in the highly wired world we live in. Check out the Website!
Call for Submissions
amplifyme is looking for provocative and creative film submissions concerning our hyperconnnectdness but inability to feel meaningfully connected to others. Find Out More Here!
NAHYP Nomination
amplifyme is proud to announce that our Youth Media Institute has been chosen for recognition as a 2011 National
Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award (NAHYP) Finalist
8th Annual Media That Matters Film Festival Winner
Story of two sisters born with HIV and their story of survival growing up together without their mother who passed away due to HIV. See more videos...
HBO Def Poetry Jam Featuring Ayisha Knight
Ayisha is a deaf poet whose primary language is ASL. Her vision of the world is unique. See more artists...
Project: Think Different is now amplifyme
Effective August 27, 2009 we have changed our name. Click here for more...